A lot has happened over the last 6 months, from finally feeling life was on track to being completely blindsided by my wonderful parent being diagnosed with a terminal Illness. It has not been an easy road and there have been some changes to get used to. As cliché as it sounds, taking it one day at a time is what has been getting us all through this time. One of the reasons I have started this blog website is to use it as an outlet for my interests and to share the going ons in our daily lives!
My wonderful mother has been nothing short of amazing in navigating these new circumstances she has found herself and her strength is truly awe inspiring. Over the weekend we decided to treat ourselves to a luxury spa day with a complimentary two course lunch at the Montenotte Hotel. The facial treatment was undoubtedly the best part and we will be booking ourselves in again for the facials. Unfortunately for us, we did not make the best choices when it came towards our lunch and left just as hungry as we had arrived! We will know better for next time!
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